StemErgy Detox


• Specially formulated for gentle and effective chelation of toxic heavy metals,
chemicals and xenobiotics
• Stimulates growth and efficiency of all cells
• Builds & modulates the immune system
• Liver protector, regulates liver and kidney functions
• Quick recovery from exercise and disease
• Mitigates some side-effects of chemo/radiation
• Combats damaging free radicals and is anti-aging
• Enhances production of interferon
• Accelerates and enhances repair of damaged tissue
• Activates protein synthesis & fat metabolism
• Increases growth of beneficial bacteria in colon
• Enhances RNA/DNA functions
• Strengthens and improves hair, skin, and nails
• Recommended and safe for children of all ages and those with environmental sensitivities


StemErgy Detox Proprietary Blend:

Chlorella Growth Factor, Cell-Decimated Chlorella, Organic Coriandrum Sativum Tincture (Cilantro Leaf), L-Glutathione Reduced