A New Approach to Regenerative Maintenance

Regeneration, rejuvenation and maintenance of health depend heavily on an interdependent network of stem cells within our body. StemErgy Daily is the most potent and effective nutraceutical formulation available today capable of accessing this stem cell network to potentiate the regenerative power that lies within!

The concept of regenerative medicine using the body’s own stem cells and associated chemical signaling factors to repair tissues, fight disease and promote a whole new level of daily health and wellness is reality. Mobilizing one’s own regenerative stem cells precludes problems associated with immunogenicity and rejection.

New scientific discoveries suggest that totally natural compounds may be capable of triggering and maintaining a previously unattainable level of health and wellness. This potent formulation of natural, therapeutic agents accesses a broad range of stem cells which work together to prevent or fight disease on a daily basis while maintaining an increased level of wellness by priming ongoing organ rejuvenation throughout the body.

Stem Cells possess the potential to differentiate into many different cell types to aid in healing and to sustain optimal organo-physiological functioning.


How Does StemErgy Daily Work?

StemErgy Daily is a proprietary formulation consisting of three natural products. Each product has been scientifically proven to invoke, maintain or physiologically support human stem/progenitor cell regeneration/proliferation. The formulation is further enhanced by potent cellular detoxifiers to ensure that stem cells are maintained in a pristine environment for optimal proliferation, mobilization and regenerative potential. Our proprietary formulation remains unsurpassed in its ability to stimulate the simultaneous proliferation of both hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem/progenitor cells thereby ensuring the most extensive stem cell proliferation and availability in any product on today’s market. Regenerative mesenchymal stem cells are released into the circulation to travel to tissues and organs where they participate in maintenance, repair and regeneration. Mesenchymal cells released from the bone marrow compartment are capable of participating in repair of target bone, cartilage, nerve, muscle, heart, and other functional organs and tissues. Hematopoietic progenitors released into the peripheral circulation mature and replace red (oxygen-carrying) and white (immune) mature blood cell lineages to ensure healthy oxygenation of cells and organs while scavenging and removing damaged cells which may be disabling functional micro-environments of tissues and organs. StemErgy Daily delivers this regenerative potency with one of the richest natural sources of vitamins A, complete B complex, B-17, C, E, and K, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Sulfur, Cobalt, Zinc and 17 forms of enzymes along with the amino acids essential for forming our two most important free radical fighting antioxidants, glutathione and superoxide dismutase. StemErgy Daily offers an unsurpassed and optimal road to regenerative health.

Why is StemErgy Daily so Effective?

StemErgy Daily is effective in two important ways:

StemErgy Daily formulation is unique in that it is scientifically proven to act on two broad categories of stem cells both of which possess proven regenerative potential to differentiate into blood, organ and tissue components. Working together, these two groups of stem cells exert a mutually supportive, maximal and widespread potential to effect organ and tissue regeneration throughout the body!

StemErgy Daily acts simultaneously on both Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem Cells accessing the regenerative potential of both stem cell types – Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal – from the bone marrow compartment. Stem/progenitor cells are selectively released into the peripheral circulation and can “hone to” distress signals from any organ in the body invoking simple daily maintenance or alternatively, more extensive cellular replacement or repair.

StemErgy Daily’s unique formulation stimulates the release of stem/progenitor cells into the peripheral circulation often in 2 – 4X greater numbers compared to original base level control profiles. The increased availability of regenerative/reparative cells enables them to travel to target organs to participate in rejuvenation or regeneration in much greater numbers. Our product releases not only hematopoietic progenitors but also mesenchymal progenitor cells simultaneously – which few products on the market are capable of doing adequately. Clinically effective use of stem cells in regenerative medicine requires that an adequate number of stem cells be available to effect regeneration and/or repair. StemErgy Daily puts that power and potential in the consumer’s hands!

Why Does Our Body Need More Stem Cells?

Stem cells are seeded in limited numbers into the developing organs of our body during embryological development. Every organ in our body contains stem cells. These stem cells form the basis of lifetime organo-function by contributing to daily cellular turnover and rejuvenation. However, stem cells can be overpowered by disrupted and poisoned toxic metal and chemical microenvironments within the organ. Factors such as stress, poor life style choices, lack of exercise, sleep, smoking, poor nutrition may interfere with biochemical balance and associated molecular signaling necessary to support optimal stem cell function within an organ. When this happens, rejuvenation of the organ may suffer; if not stopped the organ may become disabled and diseased. Organ malfunction creates a domino effect. Organ decline affects the function of other organs.

One of the ways to arrest or reverse this decline is to make available an adequate number/supply of regenerative stem/progenitor cells to the organ or tissue – in numbers capable of overcoming the chemical blockade and re-establishing appropriate signaling – in other words, the poisoned cellular microenvironment of the diseased organ which paralyzes the regenerative stem/progenitor cells is reversed when an adequate number of new stem/progenitor cells travel to the ailing tissue and commence a healing process.

StemErgy Daily enables the release of both hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem/progenitors cells – unlike most other products on the market StemErgy Daily stimulates stem/progenitor cells that can support tissue and organ regeneration.

A healthy organ is a functional organ!